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Be given maximum attention in discussions by tutors. We limit discussion groups to a maximum of 8 learners per a tutor. Ask questions and interact with the tutors for a better learning experience. An option for 1 on 1 lessons are also available.
Mathematics is probably one of the most complained about subjects, pretty much all over the world. Students who don’t like maths often face high levels of stress when it comes to exams and even homework, finding assignments difficult or boring, and saying they’re simply no good. Unfortunately, most students can’t escape maths when they enter […]
I. The Science Behind Procrastination Let’s start by getting the basics nailed down. What is procrastination? What does procrastination mean? What exactly are we dealing with here? What is Procrastination? Human beings have been procrastinating for centuries. The problem is so timeless, in fact, that ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle developed a word […]
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Jasmin Panday
The lessons in the grade 12 maths course are well explained and straight to the point. I found clarity in many concepts during these classes.

Sophia Loren
The tutors are understanding and gave me the confidence to ask questions.